Denture Relines

A denture reline helps to improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.

Over time, the shape of your gums and jawbone can change. This can cause your dentures to become loose or ill-fitting.

A denture reline involves reshaping your dentures to to provide you with a better fit. This enhances both comfort and functionality.

How to Tell If You Need a Denture Reline

Is it time for a denture reline? Here are some signs that show your dentures may need an adjustment:

1. Looseness or Slippage:

If your dentures feel loose, or slip out of place, a reline may be necessary.

2. Discomfort or Irritation:

Sore spots, ulcers, or irritation along your gum line can be a sign that your dentures no longer fit properly.

3. Difficulty Chewing or Speaking:

Have you noticed difficulty in your ability to chew or speak clearly? It could be due to denture instability caused by changes in your mouth's shape.

4. Change in Appearance:

Changes in the way your face appears could indicate that your dentures don't fit.

If you're experiencing any of these issues, book an appointment with us today. We're happy to help.

How Long Does It Take to Do a Denture Reline?

Many people hesitate to get a denture reline because they fear it will disrupt their daily lives.

The good news is that denture relines are usually a quick procedure.

The exact time required for a reline can vary based on several factors. But in many cases, a simple denture reline can be completed in a matter of hours or even within the same day.

Some cases may take longer, but we'll provide you with a clear timeframe during your consultation.

The long-term benefits of a better-fitting dentures are worth the short wait. Book an appointment with us today.